In 2009, I started blogging to raise awareness about narcolepsy and inspire myself to run the Boston Marathon. What I didn't expect: that my journey would inspire others and that I'd gain so much strength and support along the way!
There's no "right" way to read this blog. Here are a few highlights and starting points depending on your interests. Thanks for stopping by!
Julie's Favorites:
Introduction - From Where I Stand
Those That Carry Us
Roanoke Valley Awakens to Narcolepsy
I am a Person With Narcolepsy and I'm Proud
Memoir Milestones - Finishing My Book
Coping with Narcolepsy/Chronic Illness:
Do I Forgive Myself For Having Narcolepsy? Fostering Self-Love With Chronic Illness
Dating with Narcolepsy: We're Better in Bed
A New Look At Positive Thinking: Five Time’s The Charm
Five Years Living With Narcolepsy: What I Would Tell My Newly Diagnosed Self…
REM Runner’s Top 13 Inspirational Quotes
Communicating about Narcolepsy:
The Pause and Nod
The F-word
Narcolepsy Info:
Narcolepsy Quick Fact Sheet
Excessive Daytime Sleepiness:
Riding the Waves of Sleepiness
Sleep's Choice: Living with Narcolepsy's Excessive Daytime Sleepiness
Narcolepsy Isn’t Like the Movies: 16 Secret Signs of Daytime Sleepiness
A Dreamy Valentine's Day
Hypnagogic Hallucinations and Sleep Paralysis:
Wide Awake and Dreaming
Adventures of A Sleepy Yogi Part II: From Hallucinations to Inner Peace
Julie's Awareness/Advocacy Work:
REM Running Capitol Hill
During the Off-Season: REM Runner Visits the National Institute of Health
REM Runner Visits U.S. Supreme Court For Case Involving A Woman with Narcolepsy
REM Runner Julie Flygare Wins National Public Awareness Award
When Dreams Come True: SLEEP WALK 2012
Sleep Walk 2013
Marathon Training:
Born to Run? Not Me.
Why Not Today
Something Worth Fighting For
Going the Extra Mile
From Start to Finish
Risking to Be Alive:
All Roads Lead to Downward Dog
Crow Pose - to Risk Falling on Your Nose
Taking Risks and Discovering Nia
Flygirl Takes on Flying Trapeze Despite Cataplexy
Hello, Beast.
Narcolepsy Research:
The People Behind the Magic
The Wizard of Narcolepsy