Project Sleep Awards 10 Scholarships to Students with Narcolepsy Entering College
While crossing the finish line of the San Diego Rock n Roll Marathon was an awesome moment, my biggest prize came yesterday when Project Sleep gave out TEN scholarships to students with narcolepsy through the Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship program.
Meet the 2015 Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship Recipients:
View Scholarship Awards Announcement
View/Download Press Release PDF
This is still so surreal. A year and a half ago, Lynne Graham and I co-founded this scholarship program with a generous commitment from her family of $1,000 to offer one scholarship. In just 1.5 years, the scholarship has grown significantly thanks to many generous individual donors and a wonderful matching grant from Jazz Pharmaceuticals.
Thank you to Lynne for believing in me and partnering with Project Sleep to make this dream a reality. Rebecca and Melanie, I couldn’t have done this without your help. Suzanne and Paula, thank you for your generous contributions, along with everyone who donated to my marathon efforts. Special thanks to Mary Ann for sharing the scholarship announcement with over 1,400 college counselors across the country.
There’s a quote “WE RISE BY LIFTING OTHERS” and today, I stand taller, believing that together – we’ve added a little light to the future of narcolepsy.
Hi! I am a current high school junior and I know I cannot apply until I am a senior, but first I was just wondering if this scholarship will be given in 2017. Also, if I am diagnosed with IH based off of a sleep study from two years ago (insurance wants us to meet a deductible that would end up having us pay for a new sleep study) but my sister has narcolepsy and my mom also has IH….am I even eligible with an IH diagnosis? If I had dreamed in one more of my naps I would have been diagnosed narcoleptic. I hope you see this! Thank you so much! 🙂