Wide Awake and Dreaming
Live Book Events: Reading Narcolepsy Memoir
This Thursday! Join me for the FIRST-EVER online live reading of Wide Awake and Dreaming: A Memoir of Narcolepsy! I will go LIVE via my Instagram (@REMRunner) to read the first chapter of my book: Melting, this Thursday May 13th at 8pm ET. After I read the chapter, I’ll answer any questions you have live about…
Read MoreCelebrating 10 years of the REM Runner Blog!
Ten years ago today, I came out as a person with narcolepsy. On November 10, 2009, I started this REM Runner blog, disclosing on the internet for the first time that: “Hi! I’m Julie Flygare, a person living with narcolepsy with cataplexy.” From my original About Me: “Narcolepsy has changed my life for better and…
Read MoreListen Now: Social Experience of Narcolepsy on Sleep Junkies Podcast
“I remember keeping [my narcolepsy] private and always feeling like it was this thing sitting at the back of my throat that I wanted to share, but just stopping myself, remembering ‘you’ll get a bad reaction, this person won’t understand.’” – Julie Flygare, Sleep Junkies podcast “So you went from something being a secret to the…
Read MoreLiving One-Third of My Life with Narcolepsy
Twelve years ago today, I was diagnosed with a classic case of type 1 narcolepsy with cataplexy, just four days after my 24th birthday. So as of today, four days after my 36th birthday, I’ve now spent one-third of my life officially as a “person with narcolepsy” (not counting the years of symptoms before diagnosis). For fun today,…
Read MoreListen: Julie Flygare on Present Not Perfect Podcast in honor of World Narcolepsy Day
Two people with narcolepsy. Double the insight! A few minutes into recording, I realized I’d never recorded a podcast with a fellow person with narcolepsy before. This interview with Leyla Sarper for the “Present Not Perfect” podcast was such a neat experience. I’m super excited to share this with you today! Listen now on Spotify here.…
Read MoreListen Now: CALM + COZY podcast interview
Apparently I felt comfortable and a bit snarky on the day that I recorded this CALM + COZY podcast interview with the amazing host, Beth Wyatt (@sleepcoachbeth on IG), because I’m pretty honest and animated here! Beth asked great questions that led to unique conversations not part of my usual “talking points” repertoire. My favorite discussion…
Read MoreListen Now: New Interview on Wake Up Narcolepsy’s Narcolepsy 360 Podcast
A few months ago, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Claire Crisp, Executive Director of Wake Up Narcolepsy (WUN), to record an interview for WUN’s Narcolepsy 360 podcast. This was a meaningful experience and a lot fun to share this conversation with Claire, who is an amazing leader, advocate and friend in the narcolepsy…
Read MoreSeattle! Speaking Sleep Advocacy and Narcolepsy Awareness
Seattle: I’m so excited to visit soon for three speaking engagements! 1.) Speaking Advocacy at the Hypersomnia Education Meeting I’m extremely honored that the Hypersomnia Foundation has invited me to speak about Project Sleep’s Advocacy at their upcoming Hypersomnia Education Meeting on Saturday, June 29, 2019, taking place from 10am – 3pm at the Seattle…
Read More2018: My Year in Review
2018 was a year unlike any other. I invested in a few new suitcases, which helped me get around easier since I don’t think I’ve ever traveled so much in one year. Here are some highlights, challenges, favorite reads, lessons learned and dreams for the new year! Highlights of 2018: Taking the leap to become the…
Read MoreSpeaking in Bronxville, New York this Wednesday
I’m home from Australia today, but heading off to New York tomorrow, because I couldn’t pass up this amazing opportunity to be a keynote speaker during Sarah Lawrence’s Sleep Week. New York friends: Please join me this Wednesday 10/17 from 6-8 pm ET at Sarah Lawrence College in Bronxville, NY! I’ll share my inspiring personal…
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