I Double Dare You…
While recently visiting downtown Greensboro, NC, a bright purple store-front caught my eye. The store’s large glass windows were bare – a tell-tale sign that the store was closed and the space deserted. Yet, just above the door-frame, written in gold lettering, a simple phrase commanded my full attention. The store-front read, “WE DOUBLE DARE YOU TO FOLLOW YOUR PASSION” Of course, I stopped to take a picture!
This statement reminded me of one of the ways I believe narcolepsy has changed my life for the better. Before narcolepsy, I was content to drift through life without pursuing the projects and talents I cared most about – like writing and photography. Before narcolepsy, there was always the comfy cushion of the next five or ten years to distance me from “the rest of my life” when I would finally follow my dreams.
Narcolepsy has changed the way I perceive time, as the illness affects my day-to-day life, I’m no longer content to push passion to the back burner for another day. Although it is difficult to incorporate things I care about into my busy life – I try to make priorities of my writing and photography whenever possible. Of course, I sometime hit low points of exhaustion and lose sight of my priorities.
This abandoned purple doorway was an unexpected yet much needed reminder to continue forward on my path, full-speed ahead, towards my dreams. Double dare accepted!!
Yay Julie!
Important message for everyone.
Well said. I am inspired by how you have chosen to use the biggest obstacle in your life as a vehicle to be a better person and do more important, worthwhile things. Your attitude strikes me as a brave and overwhelmingly healthy way to confront chronic illness and the mountain of negativity it can bring to one's life. Thank you for speaking out and being such a positive rolemodel for the Narcoleptic community, and for anyone dealing with any type of life-altering illness. I find strength in your courage.
I accept your Double Dare and I think I may finally try to run in a half marathon. This is something that I always wanted to do but never had the motivation for in the past but I have been feeling a little better and my fitness level is up as well.
“I'm only this far
And only tomorrow leads my way”
#41 Dave Matthews Band
Hopefully Awake
I would also like to let everyone know that I have been so inspired by REM RUNNER for the past year that I decided to write about my experiences with narcolepsy as well. Check it out because I am finding that talking about my disorder is helping me deal with it better. http://copingwithnarcolepsy.blogspot.com/
Thanks for the inspiration!