Up/Lifted Podcast Featuring Narcolepsy
I’m honored to be the first female guest on the Up/Lifted Podcast this week! Up/Lifted is a cool new podcast hosted by Arin Gragossian about “personal history, pivotal moments, & honest stories. And sometimes lifting massive amounts of weight.”
On this show, Arin and I did NOT lift weights, but talked living with invisible chronic health conditions, narcolepsy, Project Sleep, the importance of sleep, memoir writing, marathon running, Elvis and rattlesnakes! Listen to the podcast here.
I hope you enjoy this podcast and please subscribe and rate Up/Lifted on iTunes, Google Play Music, or Stitcher. Also, connect with the Up/Lifted podcast on social media:
Twitter: @upliftedpodcast
Instagram: @arinuplifted
Thank you, Arin for featuring my story. Arin is founder and strength coach at Arin Training in Los Angeles, CA. Thank you, friends for tuning in and sharing this post to raise critical awareness of narcolepsy!