Podcast: A conversation about narcolepsy, Homer Simpson, memoir writing and marathon running.
Check out this fun podcast! I was so honored to be featured on “Just Talking Podcast” with Christopher Snider. I met Chris at MedX, he is the creator of mydiabetessecret.com and an incredible role model and ePatient leader who is shining a bright light on the power of the patient voice. It’s funny when someone you look up to asks to interview you. Wow!
On this podcast, we talked Simpsons, narcolepsy, marathons, writing and my poor attempts at balancing advocacy work and personal life! Thank you, Chris for your kindness, support and curiosity in learning more about about narcolepsy! Thank you also for making me feel so welcome in the MedX ePatient community. This means the world to me.
As I’ve mentioned here, MedX was a remarkable experience. Since attending MedX in September 2015, I’ve been reading lots about patient advocacy – and my intellectual curiosity continues to expand exponentially. Now, this is good AND bad. BAD because I already have a full-time job, a non-profit and quite a few other interests and passion projects, but GOOD because I’m really enjoying this new area of interest and I will continue following this curiosity wherever it takes me!
I learned a lot from you during our chat. Thanks again for coming on the podcast!