Narcolepsy Book Signing Event in New York City!
New York City, here I come! Please join me for a special Book Signing Event in NYC’s Central Park with the New York Narcoleptics Meetup Group on Sunday, July 13, 2014 from 12noon – 5pm! RSVP here. I will read a passage from Wide Awake and Dreaming: A Memoir of Narcolepsy and answer any questions from readers. Discounted books ($15 each) will be available to be personalized and signed.
Date: Sunday, July 13, 2014 from 12noon – 5pm
Location: East Side of Central Park – between the Great Lawn and the Met, by the Alexander Hamilton Statue
Alexander Hamilton Statue, New York, NY (map)
Look for the Alexander Hamilton statue behind the Met, right off Park Drive. We’ll have some balloons under a tree near there. The spot is between the Great Lawn and the Met.
Special Event: Picnic with Narcolepsy Network Members and Special Guest, author Julie Flygare
Please RSVP & get location details:
I can’t wait to see old friends and meet new friends! I’m in NYC for one afternoon only, on route to speak at the Public Relations and Communications Summit in NJ on Monday!