Legs on Fire: Starting My Training for Mt Washington Road Race
Exciting update: I’ve received an official registration to run the Mt. Washington Road Race in my Father’s honor!
The CEO of Northeast Delta Dental (the event sponsor) got word of my quest and contacted me to offer a complimentary registration. Turns out, a friend in the narcolepsy community tweeted about my quest and a NE Delta Dental employee read the tweet and contacted the CEO. Yay Twitter! Thank you to Lawrence, Debbie and Tom for making this possible. I’m so grateful.
This Father’s Day, I will attempt to run the Mt Washington Road Race– a 7.6 mile race course that rises 4650 vertical feet from start to finish. This steep mountain course has an average grade of 11%, extended sections of 18% grade, and finishes with the 50 yard 22% grade “wall.”
“Only those who will risk going too far
can possibly find out how far they can go.”
— T.S. Eliot
Am I scared? Yes. I take this on with little certainty of what will happen. Just two and a half months away, I’m in “yoga shape” but I’m not in “running shape” or “mountain climbing shape.”
Yet, I take this on with fierce conviction to honor my father and raise funds for charity. Every journey begins with a single step forward – so yesterday I began mine.
I said goodbye to my 2010 Boston Marathon sneaks and purchased new shoes. The new cushioning felt great!
Next, I pulled out the foam roller – an old “frienemy” of mine. With tendinitis in my knees, this an unwelcome but necessary part of my training. A few swear-words slipped out as I rolled.
I hit the local trails for a slow 4 mile jog. I ran up a few small hills. I took walk breaks. My arms and legs dragged along like sandbags swinging from my torso. I blasted music to tune out my dramatic heavy breathing.
Afterwards, I showered and went to yoga. Given that I’d just expended so much energy running, yoga was much harder than usual. I fought excessive sleepiness throughout class and skipped a few poses, falling into “micro-sleeps” on my mat.
Back home, I iced both knees and ate dinner. Going to bed last night, my legs actually felt like they were on fire. I couldn’t help but laugh, “What am I getting myself into?”
In closing, a fitting quote considering that a dental company is sponsoring my journey:
“Running is like mouthwash;
if you can feel the burn, it’s working.”
-Brian Tackett
Go Jules GO!!!!!!!!!
You are a trooper! Keep icing and rolling. Proud of you!!
This is good news… Now to save up….
Cheering you on from boston!
Good luck in your training! I am glad that we at Northeast Delta Dental could help you out. Have a great day! Debbie 🙂
Hey congrats on bib #! Good story, good cause, good luck! @kitchentabledoc