Happy Rare Disease Day 2016!


Today, February 29 is Rare Disease Day! With 350 million people around the world living with a rare disease, HUG someone with a RARE DISEASE today.

For Rare Disease Day 2016, I was SO honored to contribute to two great articles for Mashable’s Social Good program. Author, Katie Dupere eloquently describes:

IMG_4522“For those living with rare conditions, navigating a diagnosis can be tricky due to lack of research and reliable treatment. Often, rare diseases stump even the most knowledgeable doctors, with experts on rare diseases few and far between — if they exist at all. In the midst of this often overwhelming reality, the need for advocacy and support is essential.”

Read: 9 ways to support people with rare diseases and disorders

Read: 12 activists share what they want you to know about living with a rare disease

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