Top 13 Inspirational Quotes of 2014 – #1 No Expiration Date

your dream doesn't have an expiraiton date take a deep breath and try again kt witten inspirational quote julie flyagre narcolepsy blogger

“Your dream doesn’t have an expiration date.
Take a deep breath and try again.”
-KT Witten

Gail Pean painting Great Falls Art Teacher Artist

About a year ago, one of my best friends, Gail added this quote (IN ALL CAPS) to her email signature. I smiled cause I love inspirational quotes. But then something odd happened – over the past year, I watched Gail make her dreams a reality. She’s always been an AMAZING artist, but she took action this year – opening an artists’ studio and teaching painting classes in Great Falls, VA.

Seeing photos from her recent exhibit made my heart sing. Under each photo she wrote “SOLD”. Gail is a beautiful reminder of dreams coming true in good time, at your pace. (Painting by Gail Pean 2014)

Inspirational Quote #2:
most of the important things in the world accomplished by people who kept trying when there seemed no hope inspirational quote julie flygare narcolepsy spokesperson author speaker 
Inspirational Quote #3: 
Let everything happen to you. Beauty and terror. Just keep going. No feeling is final. Inspriational quotes julie flygare narcolepsy blog 
Inspirational Quote #4: 
we are not our failures. inspirational quotes julie flygare person with narcolepsy speaker author 
Inspirational Quote #5: 
i love sleep my life has the tendency to fall apart when im awake hemingway inspiring quote national sleep awareness week julie flygare project sleep 
Inspirational Quote #6: 
We may be RARE but we've got ROAR julie flygare narcolepsy spokesperson rare disease day 2014 global genes 
Inspirational Quote #7: 
inspirational quotes change the secret to change is to focus all of your energy no on fighting the old but on building the new socrates 
Inspirational Quote #8: 
inspirational quotes julie flygare the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do 
Inspirational Quote #9: 
inspirational quotes narcolepsy the thing that is really hard and amazing is giving up on being perfect and beginning to work on becoming yourself 
Inspirational Quote #10: 
inspirational quotes in the end only three things matter how much you loved buddha inspring quote 
Inspirational Quote #11: 
inspirational quotes inspiring quotes potential quotes inner voice quotes if you are always trying to be normal you will never know how amazing you can be 
Inspirational Quote #12: 
inspirational quotes inspiring quotes potential quotes inner voice quotes you are not a burden you have a burden which by definition is too heavy to carry on yoru own 
Inspirational Quote #13: 
inspirational quotes inspiring quotes potential quotes inner voice quotes 13 


  1. Denise Hisey on April 5, 2014 at 2:27 pm

    Julie, this is a wonderfully inspirational quote and I admire how you’ve highlighted your friend Gail with it. I imagine the two of you encouraging each other in your dreams. What a gift! I’m working on my dream, and I think this quote will stick with me for a long time. Thanks!

  2. Shawn on April 24, 2014 at 3:05 pm

    My 14 year old son was diagnosed with Narcolepsy with Cataplexy just after his 14th birthday in 2013. It was very hard at first for him to accept his diagnosis, but he is slowly learning just to be himself and do HIS very best at what he is capable of doing. He has always loved playing sports. It has become a little difficult at times but he never quits and does what he is capable of doing. He is just starting to want to reach out or for me to reach out to others with Narcolepsy. I am running my first 5k this weekend for Children’s Hospital in New Orleans, La and will have Narcolepsy support on my shirt “RISE AND SHINE WITH NARCOLEPSY”. I am ready to learn more about Narcolepsy with Cataplexy and do what I can to help him grow into the successful young man I knew he would always be. Thank you for sharing your story and making us realize my son is NOT ALONE.

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