This just in from Boston…

Today in the mail I received official notice from the Boston Athletic Association confirming my acceptance into the 114th Boston Marathon on Monday, April 19th, 2010! So it’s actually happening, this 26.2 mile run of mine.

I ran 14 miles last week, and although it went smoothly – it’s hard to imagine that this was just a little over half of what I will run in April. And although I’m still on board, I’m beginning to sense that there’s something rather over-the-top dramatic about marathons — they’re like epic battle movies or six hour Wagner operas.

Frankly, I’m not sure humans were meant to go about running 26.2 miles here and there. What in the world compelled people to start doing this? And more importantly, what am I, Julie Flygare, doing mixed up in this crowd?!

Well, I suppose I like a little drama in my life. I enjoy testing my limits every once in a while, and as I’ve said before, I certainly wouldn’t be doing this if it weren’t for my desire to raise awareness and funds for narcolepsy…But still, I have moments of panic. Am I in over my head?

In closing, here’s one of my favorite quotes about writing that I think may be just as applicable to running a marathon:

“It’s like driving a car at night. You never see further than your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way.”       -E.L. Doctorow


  1. Melissa on January 13, 2010 at 2:35 pm

    Congrats! You're on your way! I like the reference to Wagner…I'm going to see Die Walkurie this summer! Epic!

  2. tflygare on January 13, 2010 at 9:04 pm

    No matter how far you intend to run, it is one step at a time. If you stay within yourself, and don't try to run too fast at first, you can make it. Just imagine running through Kenmore Square with the crowds from the Red Sox game clapping — that will move you ahead to the your goal.

  3. Moshe on January 28, 2010 at 10:48 am

    I wish you much success. You want to have it now while you are young. I am a 54 year-old narcoleptic (no cataplexy, thank G-d!)and was undiagnosed until I was in my 40's.

    When in my 20's I was a very active cyclo-tourist (I think that is now an archaeic term) and when I was 23 I cycled cross-country. I was very much narcoleptic in those days, having had a classical teenage onset, but didn't give it much thought as it was undiagnosed and I never heard of it anyway. It wasn't really much of an issue.

    I can't predict what your experience will be but for me, by this age, the narcolepsy has completely taken over my life. I define myself by it and it defines me. I'm eating 120mg/day of pure methamphetamine and I'm always sleepy. Not only that, but my strength is leaving me on the express train out. I am thinking it is exponential.

    So go for it now. Go for all of, every little bit. It is all yours and you have a right to have it.

    It is going to be much more difficult to get it later, I would think, but I wish for you that you will be the exception.

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