Sleep in to speak out! Join Project Sleep’s SLEEP IN 2016 today.

Screen shot 2016-02-08 at 10.59.13 PMOn March 11-13, Project Sleep is taking to our beds for SLEEP IN 2016 to make PEACE with SLEEP during National Sleep Awareness Week! Challenge yourself to stay in bed for 12-48 hours over the weekend and join an international movement to raise awareness about sleep health and sleep disorders. Register today (it’s free):

With 12 days until the SLEEP IN 2016, I’m jumping for joy because of incredible international participation!

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One of the best things about founding Project Sleep has been designing programs that are meaningful, high impact and a lot of FUN. (Because, let’s be honest, I’m too sleepy to do anything snoozy or boring!) The SLEEP IN has been a joy to create with Ciro DiRuoco as my incredible co-leader.

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Thank you to everyone who has registered! Whether you are a person with a sleep disorder, a supporter, a sleep professional, a lover of sleep or sleepy teen – YOUR SLEEP IN MATTERS!

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