School Accommodations with Narcolepsy Video
My latest video describes accommodations for succeeding in school with narcolepsy. Watch below or on YouTube:
Check back soon for more videos. Thank you to Alex Withrow for generously giving his time and pro filming skills to make this possible!
Watch Video #19: Riding the Waves of Narcolepsy – Waterskiing with Cataplexy
Watch Video #18: Unveiling my Narcolepsy Infographic
Watch Video #17: Exercise and Narcolepsy
Watch Video #16: Debunking the Narcolepsy Myth
Watch Video #15: Narcolepsy Chosen for FDA Initiative
Watch Video #14: Tips for Students with Narcolepsy
Watch video #12: National Sleep Walk 2013
Watch video #11: Being Your Own Health Advocate
Watch Video #10: Hypnagogic Hallucinations and Sleep Paralysis
Watch Video #9: Why I Wrote a Memoir: The Evolution of Wide Awake and Dreaming
Watch Video #8: Introduction to Wide Awake and Dreaming: Author’s Interview
Watch Video #7: Talking about Narcolepsy during the Holidays
Watch Video #6: How Do I Handle Narcolepsy Diagnosis
Watch Video #5: Communicating about Cataplexy
Watch Video #4: What is Cataplexy?
Watch Video #3: Communicating Invisible Symptoms
Watch Video #2: Excessive Daytime Sleepiness
Watch Video #1: Introduction to Narcolepsy
I love your message here. It’s hopeful but also gives constructive tips on what people can do to better themselves in that particular situation.
Great job, Jules!
Thank you so much, Alex! Your amazing video skills makes this all possible. Forever grateful, Julie
Great tips and very timely. I just applied to nursing school
Thanks for watching, Doug. Best of luck with nursing school!
Great tips for young adults, but also for little ones. My daughter has fabulous accommodations in school, including a fulltime educational assistant who shadows her all day for safety from cataplexy falls, to provide stimulation during less than exciting activities and to stay with her when she naps. She has a dedicated room at school for her 1 hr scheduled nap, and her assignment due dates are adjusted based on her medical needs. I also get a daily report on her general wellbeing and the successes/challenges she’s faced at the end of each schoolday. She’s only 7 and she needs these accommodations in order to attend school. Thankfully, we did not have to fight for these accommodations – the school board approved them the day after we requested them! The principal, the teacher and her E.A. have all been supportive and helpful over these last 2 years! I hope that she has this much support through out all her years of schooling. It’s SO important to know that people understand and care and take it seriously.
Makky’s Mom – Thank you so much for sharing your experience getting accommodations for your young daughter at school. This is so helpful for others to hear different possibilities for their child. Wishing Makky much success in school! Many thanks, Julie
[…] Watch Video #13: School Accommodations with NarcolepsyWatch video #12: National Sleep Walk 2013Watch video #11: Being Your Own Health Advocate Watch Video #10: Hypnagogic Hallucinations and Sleep ParalysisWatch Video #9: Why I Wrote a Memoir: The Evolution of Wide Awake and DreamingWatch Video #8: Introduction to Wide Awake and Dreaming: Author’s Interview Watch Video #7: Talking about Narcolepsy during the HolidaysWatch Video #6: How Do I Handle Narcolepsy DiagnosisWatch Video #5: Communicating about CataplexyWatch Video #4: What is Cataplexy?Watch Video #3: Communicating Invisible SymptomsWatch Video #2: Excessive Daytime SleepinessWatch Video #1: Introduction to Narcolepsy /* […]
Dear Julie,
I am very inspired with everything you’re doing for the narcolepsy community. I have no one to reach out to and feel you are the best person to talk to about a dilemma I am going through. I have concerns about getting narcolepsy accommodations from graduate and professional schools. I am currently applying for narcolepsy accommodations to take the MCAT and was recently asked to provide additional information after having to appeal multiple times by the AAMC (Association of American Medical Colleges) for not being “disabled” enough to receive sleep break accommodations. Before I had narcolepsy, I had learning disabilities and was given my time accommodations. However, when I was diagnosed with narcolepsy, I discovered I was able to get the same accommodations and my testing accommodations were never changed. But ever since I’ve been applying for MCAT accommodations, the director is very ignorant, I believe to how narcolepsy actually affects learning and for years, the AAMC have been stringent on providing accommodations. My MCAT date is coming up soon and again the AAMC director has asked for additional documentation after I’ve submitted nearly 20 different evaluations showing that my learning is affected. The paperwork is vigorous and the wait is very long. I know that without accommodations, I cannot sit for more than 30 minutes without falling asleep or getting sleepy. Thus, I’d lose concentration in high periods of excessive sleepiness. I know there is a lot of ignorance that the AAMC has with narcolepsy as a whole and not a lot of sleep doctors I know are very active to help me fight the AAMC so I was wondering what you would do in this situation? I’m currently gathering research articles, having my sleep doctors write stronger letters and I’m making a personal statement to educate the director. However, I don’t know if I’ll get a 3rd request by the AAMC to provide additional documentation when I’ve provided everything I have. I thank you greatly Julie for everything you’re doing.