“We dance for laughter, we dance for tears,
we dance for madness, we dance for fears,
we dance for hopes, we dance for screams,
we are the dancers, we create the dreams.”
Last night, we truly celebrated NARCOLEPSY: NOT ALONE with big smiles and pride in Las Vegas! Accompanied by award-winning neurologist and Ph.D. narcolepsy specialist from the Netherlands, Claire, we cheered on our dear friend (and Las Vegas magazine covergirl) Trinity, in her beautiful performance.
Trinity danced with such poise and grace, it brought tears to my eyes. When she waved to us from the stage, I half-waved back before my hand gave out into my lap and eyes fluttered closed. What a (cataplectic) joy!!
To me, Trinity’s journey embodies the power of the human spirit to face adversity and fight back – every single day – for yourself and your dreams.
Read about Trinity’s amazing journey here:
“Shadow Dancer: A Ballerina’s Tale from the Nightmares of Narcolepsy to the Las Vegas Strip” by Alex Withrow, CVC Magazine (Spring 2012).
Julie ~
What an amazing and inspirational story! Thank you for spotlighting Trinity. You are both living the dream. <3