Julie Flygare on Sirius XM Radio

Spread the word! Tomorrow, Tuesday April 24, 2012 I will be interviewed LIVE on the BROADMINDED show – Sirius XM Radio Channel 107 at 8:20am.

 The BROADMINDED crew sound like so much fun! Show description:

“The hilariously candid Broads of BROADMINDED – Christine Eads and Molly Dedham – invite you into their ever-evolving world of insecurities, likes, dislikes, and infatuations, all while bringing the latest in pop culture. From psychics and dream analysts, to health and wellness, to crime news, gossip news, music, movies, and television, BROADMINDED has a little something for everyone. They’re real women talking about real-life issues—uncensored, unscripted, and uninterrupted. It’s refreshing radio.”

I can’t wait to meet Christine and Molly and talk about narcolepsy on national radio!


  1. Ellen on April 25, 2012 at 1:57 am

    While searching my xm stations this morning for something to listen to on the way home from work ( 12 hour night shift), I stumbled upon the radion show and sat mesmerized. I was diagnosed with narcolepsy (without cataplexy) approximately 6 years ago. I also have suffered with what I thought were night terrors, but sounded very much like the dreams that were described on the show. Paralasys, feeling like you can’t wake up and cant escape…very frightening. When I stopped taking Ambien at night (seems like that is the only time I sometimes have problems sleeping, the terrors seems to stop. I have not had one in a while.

    I take Adderall XR when I feel like I absolutely have to, but do not like to take it because when I stop, I “crash”. I take 10mg twice a day if needed. Other times if I can, I just sleep. Anyway, I was diagnosed after two sleep studies one during the day after sleeping an entire night, and the other at night after. Apparently, I went into REM every time I was told to go to sleep. Thus my diagnosis. I would like to have more information. People just don’t get it. Anyway, just wanted to tell you that I enjoyed the show.

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