Guest on HuffPost Live: The Psychological Side of Illness
The psychological side of coping with narcolepsy is sometimes as challenging as the physical. I was thrilled to join HuffPost Live for an important discussion, “How To Manage The Psychological Side Of Illness” on Friday, Nov. 21, 2014. Watch below or here:
Host Nancy Redd welcomed an inspiring panel of health advocates including yours truly, Juile Flygare (@REMRunner) Founder & President of Project Sleep, Alex Niles (@alxniles) Founder of CureWear & Diagnosed with Stage IV Gastric Cancer, Lottie Ryan (@lottieloves1) Writer and Chronic Illness Advocate, Chris Dean (@pixiecdLYW) Humor Writer with Chronic Illness and Dr. Coral Arvon (@DrCoralArvon) Director of Behavioral Medicine and Wellness at the Pritikin Longevity Center.
We shared tips for coping and finding hope, humor and dignity despite illness. I always learn so much from fellow advocates. And I was so tickled that Nancy quoted my Huffington Post article, “I’m Not Looking To Be Saved“.
Thank you for tuning in! Special thanks to HuffPost Live for inviting me to participate.
Watch other speaking gigs: