When Without Power, Create Art!

Rummaging in my storage closet  for extra flashlights and candles in preparation for Hurricane Sandy, I came across some art supplies – including half-finished projects I never have time for…

I dug the art supply box out and placed it next to the candles.

As long as you are SAFE and  SECURE, just bored without power – consider asking yourself: “What creative projects do I never have time for?”


Perhaps art journaling, making a vision board, setting your goals for the next three months, writing about your expereince with narcolepsy, or writing a screenplay. This is your golden candle-lit opportunity – embrace your inner Shakespeare!

My thoughts and prayers are with all those who are in the path of Hurricane Sandy this week. Be safe, friends!

Also – only THREE days left to send comments to the FDA, due Nov. 1st, 2012. Act today!

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