The Exercise-Free Plan to Raise $250,000
Exciting news – this project could possibly be funded through the Pepsi Refresh Everything Contest, if it receives enough votes!

Why support this project? If able to particpate in the International Immunochip project, esteemed researchers of over 20 autoimmune diseases such as Type 1 diabetes, Multiple Sclerosis, Celiac disease, Lupus, etc. (over 50,000 samples) would compare and contrast the genetic architecture, defining pathways of immune abnormalities. With funding we want to include narcolepsy patient samples in this important collaboration. To have these samples tested will raise narcolepsy knowledge and visibility to the level of other autoimmune diseases that are much better funded and studied. With participation we anticipate this will dramatically increase interest and research in narcolepsy.
I’m going to leave a note for myself next my computer to remind myself to vote for this project every day in June. Consider doing the same! Thank you.
I VOTED! This is great! Woohooo!
This is so great! Thanks for getting the word out. I voted and I'm telling all of my family and friends to vote!
I was just diagnosed last week, and loved reading your blog, having trained for my own non-gazelle marathon before I developed symptoms. I'll be pushing the Pepsi grant every day on Facebook…