Posts Tagged ‘excessive daytime sleepiness’
Nap Shame. I’ve got it. Do you?
In this short audio clip, I explore my feelings of shame and embarrassment around taking a nap at work. (Also available here) Do you have nap shame or are you an empowered napper? I want to hear your thoughts!
Read MoreViral Narcolepsy with Cataplexy Video
A video of a young woman with narcolepsy and cataplexy has gone viral. Watch below or on YouTube. This is a powerful video and I am grateful to Sarah Elizabeth for bravely sharing her experience! Sarah Elizabeth is primarily experiencing a narcolepsy symptom called cataplexy here. Cataplexy is a sudden loss of muscle tone, resulting in…
Read MoreSleep’s Choice: Living with Narcolepsy’s Excessive Daytime Sleepiness
Every day, at least once, but usually twice, my head gets heavy, as if a weight sits on my skull, and I know, right then, that sleep is coming. If I don’t put my head down immediately, the heaviness only gets heavier. My joints begin to ache and a wave of nausea comes over me.…
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