Things I love: Sara Gorman’s Pillbags

At my brother’s wedding recently, one of my orange pill bottles mistakenly opened in my purse. Later, I found crushed pills at the bottom of my purse. Major bummer. Handling medications is never graceful, or is it?

Soon thereafter, I came across Sara Gorman’s Pillbags! Sara is a friend, role model, lupus advocate, and the author of a great book, “Despite Lupus.” 

 Check out the stylish pillbags and pillfolds!

“Fun, fashionable bags designed to carry medication. Bringing a dose of style™ to your daily routine, at home or on the road. 5% of every Pillbag sold goes to a Lupus charity. Join our quest to raise $1,000,000!!”

Chronic illness is hard enough, Sara Gorman’s pillbags and pillfolds bring dignity and joy back into view. Thank you, Sara! More info:

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