Happy Valentine’s Day from NARCOLEPSY: NOT ALONE!!

narcolepsy vdayHappy Valentine’s Day to my narcolepsy friends across the USA and around the WORLD.

Your love has lifted me up.  Your support has given me courage. Your NARCOLEPSY: NOT ALONE photos have warmed my heart hundreds of times over. I’m forever grateful.

Valentine’s Day can be a lot of fun, but it can also be a lonely time for many. Wherever you are today, remember you are NOT ALONE. You are loved & I’m cheering for you (while wearing heart-shaped sunglasses of course)! 

“Where there are no words…
know that the silences are carrying the 
thoughts and prayers of all who love you.” 
–Dawn Dais
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  1. Carrie-Ann Burns on March 5, 2014 at 1:51 pm

    Yaaaay these pictures were sooo cute i think they made everyones v day 😛

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