Taking a Drug Holiday – Guest Post by Nikki

narcolepsy struggle stay awake narcolepsy not alone campaign project sleep julie flygare guest post nikkiNIKKI’S GUEST POST:

Today was a drug holiday… Enough said. It’s always weird to take one for me. I always forget what it’s like. I don’t want to think about how many naps I had and the things I had hoped to get done.

It’s interesting how some people see a nap as a treat and I see it as I would be very happy to never take another one as long as I live. It’s no longer a pleasure when it becomes a necessity.

Screen shot 2014-05-14 at 12.48.41 PMBut it is times like these that I am actually proud, I get the unique opportunity to experience life in ways that most don’t. I understand and savor the win even more at the end of fighting through the day. It’s not just a fight to stay awake, a fight to stay sane and with reality, its a fight for life and I am very grateful The Lord has given me another day to do just that.

REM Runner’s Note: My friend Nikki (@rebel_dreamer_ on Instagram) shared this beautiful insight today on Instagram and I asked her to share here too. Thank you, Nikki, for being raw, real and inspiring!


  1. Tim Rutledge on July 11, 2014 at 8:23 pm

    Thanks for sharing your drug holiday experiences, Nikki. You’ve motivated me not to neglect my own drug holidays, and to approach them more light-heartedly.

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