Overcoming Adversity
What Inspired YOU to Start Giving? Featured in #WomenWhoGive Series
I’m extremely honored to be featured in Giving Tuesday’s #WomenWhoGive campaign series. which celebrates women who are making a difference in their communities. However, when I read the interview questions, I sighed heavily. “What inspired you to start giving?” What inspired me? How could I answer this “nicely” when this is what came to mind: I…
Read MoreThe One Person You MUST Get on Your Team
I wish I had a magic potion to get everyone to understand narcolepsy. In my experience, a few friends and loved ones will understand right away, others may take their sweet time, and some will never get it. However, there is one person that you MUST get on your side: YO’SELF! It’s so cheesy and cliché,…
Read MoreSpeaking at the Sweet Dreams and Nightmares Sleep Symposium in Tallahassee
Last month, I had the honor of giving two presentations to allied health care professionals including physicians, nurse practitioners, respiratory therapists, social work experts, and sleep technologists at the Sweet Dreams & Nightmares Sleep Symposium presented by Tallahassee Memorial Healthcare and the Florida Medical Association. With the west coast to east coast time change, the…
Read MoreJumping Into a New Chapter of My Journey
Hi friends! I’m so beyond excited to share that as of February 12, 2018, I made a huge career change and took on a new role as President & Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Project Sleep! Read the full announcement here. Wait, what’s the difference? Some people have said they thought I was already serving in this…
Read MoreUp/Lifted Podcast Featuring Narcolepsy
I’m honored to be the first female guest on the Up/Lifted Podcast this week! Up/Lifted is a cool new podcast hosted by Arin Gragossian about “personal history, pivotal moments, & honest stories. And sometimes lifting massive amounts of weight.” On this show, Arin and I did NOT lift weights, but talked living with invisible chronic health conditions, narcolepsy, Project…
Read MoreWatch Now: Narcolepsy Keynote Presentation with Julie Flygare
I’m so excited to share my Health:Further keynote presentation video. I delivered this speech to over 1,000 healthcare professionals in Nashville, TN last year. My speeches are rarely online – so be sure to check this out! Watch video: I shared here how mad nervous I was for this speech, but I managed to pull it…
Read MoreCNN Article on My Marathon with Narcolepsy
I’m thrilled to share CNN Health’s feature article Runner: Having narcolepsy is harder than a marathon. This Sleep Awareness Week, please share with your friends and family to raise critical narcolepsy awareness. Working with CNN on this piece was particularly meaningful. I first spoke with the reporter, Maria, in January two months before the race after she’d read…
Read MoreLifting Weights and Each Others’ Spirits While Living with Narcolepsy and Cataplexy
One of the best parts of the Griffith Park Trial Marathon took place about 10 days BEFORE the race. Arriving home from work one night around 8:00 p.m., I was totally drained and wanted to call it a night, but I had to go running. Ugh. I’d run over 270 miles in four months, and only had…
Read MoreI did it!! Conquering Griffith Park Trail Marathon with Narcolepsy
On Saturday, March 4, 2017, I took on the Griffith Park Trail Marathon as a person with narcolepsy to raise funds for Project Sleep’s Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship. As I said here, I was nervous and uncertain. On the morning of the race, I woke up lethargic and stiff, but I showed up. I had…
Read MoreHow to Become a Narcolepsy Advocate? Apply Today for Rising Voices of Narcolepsy – Deadline Approaching
We all have a story to tell. Let’s get busy telling yours! I’m so excited to share the news that Project Sleep is now accepting applications for the Rising Voices of Narcolepsy leadership training program. However, the application deadline is quickly approaching in 9 days on February 24th, 2017 at 5:00pm PST, so please view summer 2017…
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