Dating with Narcolepsy
Narcolepsy Network Conference 2013 – See you in Georgia!
This weekend, I will be speaking and signing books at the 28th Annual Narcolepsy Network Conference in Atlanta, GA. This is always an exciting weekend for me – as I get to see old friends and meet many new friends! Books: I’m offering a discount conference rate on personalized signed copies of Wide Awake and…
Read MoreBeauty OR The Beast? Napping with Narcolepsy
I nap once or twice (or three times) every day. While napping, I may look like Sleeping Beauty, but waking up – I’m never quite sure who I’ll be – a kind calm beauty OR an angry beast. The trouble with napping: For me, napping is not pleasant. My naps are high-speed rollercoaster rides of…
Read MoreAttending the World’s Largest Electonic Music Festival with Narcolepsy
My boyfriend, Alex recently surprised me with a trip to Ultra Music Festival in Miami, FL – the world’s largest electronic concert. As a music lover, I was thrilled. As a person with narcolepsy, I was nervous. Over 300,000 people attend this three day dance party with seven stages and over 150 performers including world-famous Tiesto,…
Read MoreDating with Narcolepsy: We’re Better In Bed
A mother of a 9-year-old girl with narcolepsy and cataplexy recently thanked me for my book and narcolepsy leadership, saying, “You give me hope that my little girl can grow up and have a good life. You prove that she can go to college and do great things… You prove she can even have a…
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